Tag Archives: Nature

Betty’s Bay

We are visiting the penguins at Betty’s Bay this morning.

Walking among the sea bamboo,

swimming in the waves,

looking out at the point,

When you are done enjoying them, stop on the Rooiels Road at the local cafe for something to drink and look through their books.

Don’t be mistaken, the Rooiels Road may the the most beautiful drive in the world.

Somiso the Rhino calf

Little Somiso is a Rhino calf who lives in Swaziland. His mom didn’t have any milk for him because of the drought.

He is a month old and growing quite big already.


Fortunately he found people to take care of him.


During the day he has two mom’s taking care of him and seeing that he gets to all the mud pools.

Late afternoon, he comes home to be washed down and fed before coming inside for the night.


At the moment he sleeps with me (or I with him 🙂 ) from 9 to 3. Well I watch movies till 12 and then we try to sleep after the midnight feeding.

Internet is not great here, this is the first chance I get to post something about him.

He is snoring away here beside me..

Shakawe – Kavango river


In the north west of Botswana, west of the panhandle is the town Shakawe.

If you follow that road you reach the Namibian border and enter the Mahangu reserve in the Caprivi, east of Rundu.

You can camp on the banks of the river and listen to the hippos splashing in the water a few meters from your pillow..

Very little on earth beats sitting next to your fire in the quiet of the African night..